If you already have an account there, take the opportunity to select more products to display, especially those that make more sense at the current time.Use of structured data in the S in SEO. Its mission is to organize website information to make it easier for Google to read, which can use it to create rich snippets on the SERP and thus generate more clicks to the page.
At this moment Google is
At this moment, Google is placing even more doctor data emphasis on the use of structured data in its on-SERP coverage, to offer useful and quickly updated information. Notices about covid- in the SERP and updated information about events, for example, are measures taken by Google based on structured data. But that’s not all: at this moment, Google also recommends using them in FAQs, to answer frequently asked questions about the impact of covid- on your business, and in product listings, to inform stock availability.
Recipe sites which are popular
Recipe sites, which are popular due to the stay-at-home campaign, can also benefit greatly from structured data to attract more clicks on the SERP. So, it’s time to get your hands on the code to configure the structured data for your pages. You may have to ask a developer for help, but there are plugins and some solutions in Google Search Console that can make this job easier. Below, you can check Google’s guidelines for each of these solutions:Covid Notices-;Event;Frequently Asked Questions;Product;Recipe.
these pages you will notice
On these pages, you will notice that there are e-commerce and intuitive and very powerful several other types of structured data (for job openings, courses, books, reviews, etc.). So, it’s also worth analyzing which ones your business can take advantage of. Increased use of the desktop This is a change that experts never predicted. What we have seen in recent years is a consistent increase in mobile in consumers’ routines. Ok, this trend continues to be irreversible. But one of the impacts of covid- on SEO was the increase in desktop use by users.
It makes sense: with more
It makes sense: with more time at home, people cz lists are once again using their computers and notebooks to work from home, study or just entertain themselves. The cell phone, of course, is still used, but it can remain in the background at this time. See the graphs below. They show a much more significant growth in access to Facebook, Netflix and YouTube sites, in relation to mobile apps.Behavior during covid-Source: The New York TimesWhat does this have to do with SEO? You may already know that having a responsive and functional website on any screen size is essential, right? So, don’t leave mobile optimization strategies aside.