Hide the network from link analyzers :

Hide the network Ahrefs, Majestic, SEMrush and others. Otherwise, competitors may discover it and file a complaint – manual sanctions will come. It is better to close resources at the server level. To do this, a blocking script is written in the service file . Htaccess indicating the bot of each SEO analyzer. This is more reliable than closing from bots in the robots file using the Disallow directive. Such a ban is advisory in nature and can be ignor.

We have describ other features of the .htaccess file in detail here .

Use PBN only for link placement. The idea of ​​monopolizing the first page of search results and pushing out competitors often ends in failure and affiliate filter .

Hide the network In short, “cover your tracks” and don’t tell anyone israel telegram data about your network, then you won’t get into trouble. Many popular portals use PBN, but the owners don’t talk about it because they don’t want to discrit the network. If you do everything right, there won’t be any risks – you’ll be able to get quality backlinks without attracting the attention of search engines.

Three sources for creating a PBN

To deploy a network, you will ne several sites, finding suitable what is web design ones is the most difficult part. The network can be built on drop domains (drops), purchas and free mini-sites. Let’s look at each option in more detail.

Drop domains

The network is built most often on drops, so we will tell you more about them. Drops are abandon domains with an expir registration period. It will be easier and faster to pump them up than new ones – there is a history, a link mass has been collect, the content can be restor from the web archive. But there is one drawback: before buying an abandon mobile lead domain, it is impossible to determine whether there were any sanctions on it, although some indirect signs may indicate this.

It is more convenient to search for drops on special sites: REG, GoDaddy, MyDrop, ExpirDomains, TheWebs. For example, here is a list of domains being releas in MyDrop.

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