How to get, find out or restore a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

How to get INN stands for Taxpayer Identification Number. This is a unique code assign to individuals and legal entities for tax accounting. We will tell you why an INN is ne for individuals and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs or self-employ persons, when and to whom it is due and how to get it if you do not have a number.

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What is a Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) and why is it ne?

The INN is assign to each individual or legal entity that has taxable income and transfers funds to the Feral Tax Service. The tax authority uses it to identify the payer and track budget receipts. The number is assign to both Russian citizens and foreigners.

The number is assign bas on the fact of a person’s birth in the Russian Feration since 1999 or the foundation of a company. It is unique – there are no repeating numbers for either people or organizations, with the hong kong telegram data exception of extremely rare errors. This was invent to unambiguously identify a person or organization throughout their life: even if a citizen changes his passport, and a company – its name, their INN will not change.

How to get For individual entrepreneurs and self-employ persons, the taxpayer identification number us is the one issu to them at birth. And if they do not have one, it is issu at the time of registration of the individual entrepreneur or registration of the taxpayer income tax.

It is important not to confuse the TIN of an organization and an individual. The founder always retains his personal tax number, but each company that he registers for himself will be assign its own identifier.

What is a TIN for?

The tax number is necessary for the unmistakable differences between marketing identification of the taxpayer when calculating or paying taxes, regardless of other data that sometimes changes. Individuals may ne to know their TIN in a number of situations:

  • To file a tax return, individual entrepreneurs and mobile lead  individuals must provide this information to clearly identify them.
  • When receiving tax ductions. The TIN will allow the auditor to find out whether you are entitl to receive a duction.
  • When registering a purchase or sale of real estate. This information is indicat when registering the agreement in Rosreestr.
  • When applying for a loan, bank employees use the TIN to check the applicant’s crit history.

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