Why would I provide a service here?

Because then they have larger volumes and recurring orders and so on.

But we also want to reach more small customers, more consumers.

I would then put together a program as a draft and then sell it as a service .

Why service?

I’m here on the channel all the time for info products .

And I don’t offer any services anymore.

I live entirely from my products .


Because I said I want to make six figures within a year if possible.

This is difficult with products and very, very slow.

In my experience, it’s not that easy to do.

(Reading tip: How to find a product idea that will make you rich! )

It is much faster with service , with service .

“done for you”.

There are three levels

“done for you”,

This is where phone number library you have the most to do as a service provider.

“done with you”,

There you advise the customers and sometimes help them.

You are less involved there

“do it yourself”,

Where hotel marketing: strategies that transform sales customers simply buy a course and implement it themselves.

This is where you have the most to do as a service provider.

But this is also where I can charge the most money for it.

Yes, I would betting email list then say to the roasters, for example:

“Hey, I can help you get more customers, locally and online.”

Yes, because I think local is also very important for small roasters to become known within their city.

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