Social media marketing automation

Marketing automation is a sector that has not stopped growing. So much so that in 2024, the revenue of this industry increased by around 12.6% globally . Because of this, it is not surprising that we are going to find many interesting automation trends for 2025, both within the marketing and sales sectors.

Do you want to know what the digital marketing trends are in this sector? We are looking forward to telling you about them!

  • Do you want to know the 165 digital marketing trends and predictions that will change the landscape  of our sector by 2025 ? Click here and download the free interactive ebook that we have prepared for you with all the information.


Automated email marketing, a must

Did you know that automated email campaigns generate 320% more revenue than those that aren’t? But that’s not all, these types of campaigns have a 119% higher click-through rate than the rest .

Although this data is nothing new, professionals are beginning to realize the big difference between automated email marketing and non-automated europe cell phone number list email marketing.

Email marketing automation is a strategy that consists of automatically sending emails to users in a database at specific times. For example, you can schedule an email to be sent when a cart is abandoned or when X amount of time has passed since the last purchase.

This type of email encourages not only users who are already customers to increase their chances of buying, but also those subscribers who have not yet purchased to do so. However, it is very important that your automated email marketing strategies are highly segmented and have a high level of personalization to be more effective.

In short, this is one of the most important artificial intelligence automation trends for 2025 that you cannot ignore if you want to increase your competitiveness. So, if Social media marketing you have not designed a strategy in this regard yet, we recommend that you do so.

Customer experience automation platforms are being boosted

Companies are increasingly aware Social media marketing of how important it is to offer their potential customers and clients an benin businesses directory improved and personalized experience. That’s why, in 2025, we’re going to see more companies implementing platforms to optimize each point of contact with the customer and further personalize the experience throughout the entire life cycle.

Instead of sales reps or customer service representatives handling customer interactions on a daily basis, many automated solutions will be implemented. This way, teams will have less of the heavy lifting and will be able to act at more critical moments and when problems arise.

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