Instagram targeting is a great tool if your potential clients are users of this social network. With the right approach, online advertising will increase the total number of coverage and followers, attract high-quality Internet traffic to the site. Our step-by-step instructions on how to set up correctly will help you understand the nuancestargeted advertising on instagramvia Facebook, as well as a short manual on express setup via a business account.
Where to start?
Through the application, you can only. Promote previously posted materials. Without the ability to optimize the budget and other. Parameters. This is not enough for a good online campaign. So we will focus on how to correctly set up targeted. Advertising on instagram through facebook. For your subscribers and other online audiences.
To access the Facebook Ads Manager account, first connect your Instagram business account. To do this, go to “Settings” – “Instagram” in the service menu.
Now we can begin to consider how to correctly set up detailed targeting on Instagram for subscribers.
Stages of setting up Instagram targeting
In AdsManager, online advertising is set up in db to data three stages: at the level of campaigns, ad groups, and Instagram ads themselves. For clarity, in addition to the dry instructions, we have included examples of how to step-by-step set up and launch targeting on Instagram via Facebook. So, let’s say we want to attract traffic to a beauty salon page.
1. Go to “Campaigns”, click “Create”. In the pop-up menu, set the goal – Traffic. It will help us set up advertising on Instagram through Facebook with payment for clicks.
Facebook offers different types of goals. Using the “More” tab, you can clarify the nuances of each.
2. Set up an Instagram campaign: enter the name and optimize the budget. You can start with a minimum limit.
3. Go to the Instagram ad groups
Set the name (our mini-group will be for i wrote a long article about this hairdressing salon services). Choose where the online traffic will be directed. Specify the budget and display schedule.
4. Now the most important thing is to set the online audience. You can use pre-saved audiences (created through a separate menu in AdsManager) or customize them in the process. For us, these are women aged 23–25 from Kyiv who are taiwan lead interested in cosmetics, spas, beauty salons, and hair care products. We specify the language according to the language of the Instagram ad, plus add Ukrainian.