Web Tuning: 10 Tips for Branded Websites

Web Tuning: 10 Tips for While selecting material for today’s post, I was extremely upset by how few decent sites there are among Ukrainian brands. If small companies, due to savings, can be forgiven for having meager online presence, then brands have budgets! It would seem that there is a check forwebsite developmentcompared to the millions they invest in television, print media and other traditional advertising media?

In the new issue of “Web Tuning” we have collected 10 tricks that are definitely worth implementing on a branded website. Show yourself in all your glory 🙂

1 Scale Web Tuning: 10 Tips for 

A brand website is not the place to put microscopic images, icons, or any other elements. You are a brand, so go all out. Scale is not only a web design email data trend, but also a necessary rule for a brand website. Put large photos on the website, use large fonts — don’t hold yourself back.

For example, we used scale on the Creamoire brand website:


An example of scaleMcD Cafe:


2 One Page Website Web Tuning: 10 Tips for 

A branded website can be made within one page. For interactivity, I recommend using an effect such as parallax. With its help, you can implement the boldest ideas and evoke the cherished WOW feeling in the visitor.

Example of scrolling on a website”Morosha”:

Example of cool parallax on the siteOfficeline:


3 Background video sequence Web Tuning: 10 Tips for 

Place the video as a background row on the first screen of the main page of the site. Enjoy 🙂 It is important that the video is of high quality, ideally created specifically for the web page, and not just a video for TV.

Example of background video on the site”Khortytsia”:

4 Drawn elements

The concept of many brands allows using illustrations on the site. If you are among those whose positioning is not limited by “solidity”, add issues in architecture and key seo tags drawn elements to your site – these can be icons and other details, as well as entire sections with graphics.

An example of drawn elements on the siteJaffa:


5 Creative menu

Web Tuning: 10 Tips for On branded websites, flights of fancy are welcome, and you can experiment to your heart’s content with the arrangement of page components, including the menu.

An example of a non-standard menu on the Geox website:


6 Brand Stories

You know about itstorytelling? So apply its principles when creating a page with information about the brand. Say “no” to boring templates, like “our brand has been on the market for so long, it is high-quality and everyone loves it.” No one is interested in this. Behind every brand there is a person who created it, there is a fascinating story of exploits and failures, so boldly tell about it.

An example of an interesting presentation of information about a brand on a websiteDomestos:


7 Conceptual Copywriting

Web Tuning: 10 Tips for The texts on your website should reflect the “soul” of your brand, its character. Believe me, where people read texts, it’s on branded websites. Let them be short paragraphs with a killercopywriting, and not long, dull sheets hong kong phone number of letters that no one needs.

An example of conceptual copywriting on a websiteDomestos.



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