New ways to build customer loyalty

The way to build customer loyalty has evolved over the last few years. Even more so in recent months due to the Covid-19 pandemic and an increasingly direct relationship between brands and consumers thanks to new technologies.

The emergence of new communication channels, such as social networks, makes it necessary to create new ways of building customer loyalty and specific loyalty programs that respond to what cell phone database customers expect from brands. These are the so-called drivers of customer loyalty.

Drivers of consumer loyalty to brands

If we look at the data from the 2nd wave of the III Mediapost Relationship Marketing Study, we can clearly see the drivers of consumer loyalty: good value for money, overall satisfaction with the brand, sustainability and ecology, and the importance of being a local or national brand.

With all this, we can conclude that the drivers of consumer loyalty are not very different from what they were a few years ago. Consumers still value good value for money above other issues. However, what is changing is the overall concept of consumer loyalty and the way in which loyalty programs aimed at consumers are created.

This is because, inherent to the emergence of technology, social 10 essential data you should know about your crm networks and other communication channels, a new way of relating to the consumer emerges, which implies an innovation in loyalty strategies in which technology and customer data analysis come into play.


New ways to build customer loyalty

Now, how can we merge the drivers of consumer loyalty with new forms of loyalty? Firstly, with tools that allow us to enrich the information we already have about consumers, with the aim of carrying out better segmentations and creating predictive models that help us to better measure the results.

Good value for money

Consumers crave promotions and discounts. So much so that this issue is among the main reasons for switching from one brand to another. This shows us that the most commonly used marketing actions to build consumer loyalty continue to be promotions and discounts.

On the other hand, price comes into play when it comes to including the sustainability variable in consumption. Consumer loyalty to a brand increases when this variable exists, as long as the price does not increase. This already gives brands clues about the importance of creating sustainable business models, without forgetting the price.

Satisfaction with the brand experience

Another of the major building blocks of consumer loyalty is satisfaction with the brand experience. This materializes in online and offline shopping experiences, where customer satisfaction must be the b2c fax priority. Having good customer service before and after the purchase can help increase this satisfaction with the brand experience.

Not forgetting the online channel, where the shopping experience based on gamification , pincodes or promotional mechanics gains weight. One of the keys to achieving all this is the use of the technological tools that we have at our disposal. Big Data and other digitalization tools facilitate having this customer-centric vision. It helps to segment, personalize and anticipate needs and predict behaviors, while technologies such as geolocation or instant messaging can simplify processes for brands.

Something highly recommended for carrying out programs to build customer loyalty is outsourcing these services with partners specialized in loyalty programs such as Galanta . One of the main fears of companies is sharing sensitive data. However, data protection is more than guaranteed in any case and will give companies the possibility of having powerful tools to establish loyalty strategies.

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