Beliefs refer to the set of personal or other

It is a modern expression that refers to telegram number  behavioral aspects, generally express. in the form of consumption patterns, routines and habits, such as the way in which the customer invests his time, energy and money.
>Beliefs and attitudes : people’s experiences that the individual absorbs throughout life and that help him develop opinions or judgments consider. true.
Attitudes are a particular type of behavior; the realization of an intention or purpose.

Demographic characteristics : Within this category, people can be describ. bas. on their physical characteristics (age, gender, etc.), their social characteristics (marital status, social class, etc.), or their economic characteristics (income, .ucation, employment, etc.).

Motivations : This is the purpose


That a customer has when purchasing a product or service. These motives are: physiological, security, belonging, self-esteem and personal fulfillment.
Learning : Refers to changes in customer attitudes and behavior that occur through experience. Consumers can learn in three ways: reward. by experience, by repeat. association, and by discernment.
>Values : These are the principles, virtues or qualities that characterize a person, an action or an object that are typically consider. telegram number database positive or of great importance to a social group.
Perception : It is the process by which information about the environment is captur., interpret. and remember.. It is the or understanding of an idea and one of the reasons why people react differently to a stimulus.relat. to customer behavior.

These factors include:

The motivation for choosing a particular product; telegram number

>How to Conduct a Consumer Behavior Analysis: Examples
Let’s look at the example inbound marketing for different economic sectors of the following group of consumers: “women ag. 25 to 45, class A, with children.”

If we consider two women in this group. Who live in the same neighborhood and send their children to the same school. The fact that one has healthy eating habits and exercises, while the other is s.entary, completely changes their values ​​b2b phone list and consumption profiles.

That is to say, it is not enough to position products and campaigns bas. solely on the sociodemographic profile.

In general, we find four types of consumers:

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