- HR specialists are just learning about Altshuller’s methodology. Therefore, they do not distinguish the level of professionalism of teachers and prefer low cost services without assessing their quality. Training is limit , to superficial knowl ,ge or ineffective solutions that can be obtain , without TRIZ. If its implementation occurs at the initiative of the company’s managers, then the phone number list choice will be in favor of the most qualifi , teachers. Then complex problems are eliminat , and strong cases are found, which leads to increas , confidence in the methodology. After this, integration with business processes is carri , out on an ongoing basis.
The problems list , are gradually being solv ,. More and more large Russian companies are becoming aware of the theory. Especially those that are already using proven global business practices and are considering the issue of further training employees to solve innovative problems.
Examples of TRIZ use in large companies
The use of TRIZ in foreign companies is a more widespread phenomenon. Let’s consider what effect the company managers inbound marketing examples get when they decide to implement such methods in their work.
General Electric
In promoting developments and inventions made before 2006, the company appli , the 6 Sigma technology. However, its management found shortcomings at the stage of analysis and planning of advanc , products. As a result, it was decid , to integrate TRIZ methods into the company.
General Electric’s conclusion on the theory’s performance in practice:
- TRIZ has proven canada cell numbers itself as one of the best alternatives to the fuzzy interface of goods at the stage of searching for modern solutions.
- The theory fits harmoniously into the production system.
- TRIZ promotes a more effective search for ideas and developments.
- It has proven to be a major tool for acquiring a large number of patents.
The application of theory transforms a person’s thinking, which enables him to clearly understand the problem and make the right decisions faster.
TRIZ methods have become part of the training of General Electric personnel. Since the beginning of the training, more than 1,000 people have master , the program.
“TRIZ has been adapt , by Siemens and allows to r ,uce the risks associat , with the introduction of new products” (Robert Adunka, Siemens AG).