Advertisers can now view the following conversion reporting columns at the campaign level: Results, Results Value, and Conversion Goals.
Results Reporting in Google Ads highlights and explains the value and results your campaigns are delivering for the goals set up in your account. The Results Reporting columns only appear at the campaign level and consist of Results, Results Value, and Conversion Goals.
However, the “Results” column itself is currently only available to a select number of advertisers. If you have access to this feature, here’s an
Overview of the recommended columns in your campaign’s statistics table.
Results The “Results” column shows the whatsapp number database number of conversions you’ve received across your primary conversion actions for each of the standard goals in your account. This column will display in normal font color the conversions in goals that the campaign is optimizing for. In grayed-out font, this column will display the conversions in goals that the campaign isn’t optimizing for but generating conversions.
Note that the Results column won’t show conversions grouped by a custom goal
Results Value This column shows the web tuning 20 tricks for an online store of home comfort products calculated conversion values you’ve received across your primary conversion actions for each of the standard goals in your account.
Conversion Goals This column shows the goals listed in your campaign level setting that drive your campaign performance. According to Google, you can override your account-default goals and specify which goals you’d like to track in your conversion reporting and use for bidding in a particular campaign.
Your account-default goals should be applicable to most of your campaigns. But if you want to have more granular control over your conversion goals, you can visit this Help page to learn more about campaign-specific conversion goals.
You’ll be able to view Results Reporting columns in your campaign tables, charts, and filters. For more details on how Results Reporting works and how to view them, visit the Google Ads Help page.
Introduces The Focused View Advertising Objective
Focused View optimizes your ads for users who pay attention and actively engage with ads on TikTok.
In the recently-concluded World, the australia database directory global product summit for brands, TikTok introduced Focused View, the new evolution of the current video view objective on TikTok. It provides a lot of value for brands as viewership is its own form of engagement — something that’s proven by the success of TikTok’s For You page.
Focused View is a brand new advertising objective that optimizes for both video views and engagements. This optimization delivers ads to users who are most likely to actively engage with an ad — by viewing it for at least 6 seconds or by interacting with the video within the first 6 seconds (whichever comes first). Focused View also allows TikTok to optimize for two different kinds of engagement:
- Emotional engagement through content consumption: Users who are most likely to view your ad for at least six seconds are targeted.
- Tangible engagement through interaction: Users who are more likely to actively engage with an ad by liking, sharing, following, or clicking are targeted.
The 6-second Focused View ad objective is now available to advertisers globally.