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The article explains: Theory of generations Who are the representatives of generation alpha? Characteristics of the Alpha generation Financial mobile
Modern parents pay more attention to establishing friendly contacts with their children. They try to move away from the position
Millennials are believ to be fixatd on the embodiment of their inner world in the outer world, while Generation Z
The new alpha generation (or A-people, as they are also called) are the descendants of generation Z and millennials. Not
Digital transformation has accelerated the way people consume information. As a result, companies need to constantly think about optimizing content
Can collect and organize the information you have collected about customers prospects add notes and . Files to individual records
No business is immune to reputational crises. Customer complaints, disputes with partners, criticism in the media, negative feedback from staff
Develop accurate buyer personas Sure you probably have access to data about your buyers . that you can use to
Baymard Institute in January 2024found out, the reasons why people abandon shopping carts on websites. The first is additional shipping
Кліенты – гэта крыніца жыцця любога бізнесу, і наяўнасць сістэмы кіравання ўзаемаадносінамі з кліентамі (CRM) вельмі важна для паспяховага кіравання
Для адсочвання палітык патрэбна сістэма, якая збірае кліенцкія дадзеныя ў цэнтралізаваную базу дадзеных. Дык чаму б не прытрымлівацца таго, да