Communicate through colors

Around 92.1% of Brazilian companies, for example, are present on social networks and of these companies, 97.1% use Facebook as their main social network.

Among the types of  content that can be published on Facebook ,  images  are the most used and those that generate a higher level of commitment from the public (40.8%).

But it’s not enough to just pick any image! For your brand or professional profile to be successful on Facebook, you need to  know how to choose your images . And to know how to choose the best images, you need to understand (1) what  type of image is most attractive  for Facebook  and (2) the  techniques for uploading images on Facebook .

Below are our top tips for successful use of images on Facebook.

How to choose a good profile and cover photo for my company on Facebook?

Profile and cover images are the public’s singapore mobile database gateway to your brand’s Facebook. That’s why knowing how to choose these images is crucial in the process of creating a Facebook page or fan page.

The content of these images depends, of course, on the sector you or your brand is in. But there are elements that are important in any case.

1. Always select a  face as your profile and cover image .

This is the most human part of your brand or professional profile. A face gives the impression that you are looking into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Select profile pictures with eyes that respond and communicate.

2. The face in the profile and cover image must be facing the camera , looking directly at the other person .

Or, it should be facing the right side, as this is where the text will be placed on posts when they appear on your timeline or news feed.

3. The more  natural or authentic the face  in profile, the better.

If your work sector or your professional profile is in a more relaxed environment, facial expressions can be friendly, funny, making the profile image quite authentic.

4. The profile picture and cover image should be  consistent with each other  in style and complement each other

They should have the brand/company colors, common elements, fonts, etc. This is important because when someone logs into your account, the profile picture will be involved in the cover image.

5.  Avoid using logos  as profile and cover images.

Always look for more than just text. Facebook is a personal network. Therefore, users are looking to talk to other people. By using logos, this dialogue between people is not encouraged.

Tips for creating images on Facebook

To ensure that your images generate for backlinksOn this screen when interest, attraction and curiosity, here are three tips to consider when posting photos.

Every color has its own meaning and this can convey more than you think.  Be sure to consider this information when creating an image so you can evoke the feeling you want and your message will stand out.

Here we share with you the meaning of each of the colors and what their influence is on people’s psychology:


As the lightest of the bright colors, this color is cheerful and warm. It stands out for transmitting optimism, motivation, happiness, creativity and light. It attracts attention but used in excess can have a negative effect.


This color easily attracts attention. It provokes strong emotions, increases appetite and improves metabolism. It is associated with passion, courage, intensity and love. However, it can affect concentration as it is also associated with danger. It is often used to indicate sales and discounts.


It is associated with tranquility, health, wealth, nature and growth. Darker greens convey abundance and lighter greens bring peace and calm. It also suggests stability and endurance.


It is a color that attracts attention and provokes joy. It is related to fun, enthusiasm, vitality and warmth.


This color is associated with well-being, loyalty, success and wisdom. It can evoke sophistication, mystery and elegance.


It brings value, sophistication, elegance, secrecy and mystery. It is a color that gives a sense of power, but its excessive use can be negative.

Your focus is the image, don’t put a lot of text

As we have always heard: a picture is worth a thousand words and now it can’t be any different.

If you want to add text to your image, make it as small as possible or even leave it aside, if this option exists.

Your image’s role is to attract attention . Sometimes text can overshadow your image or even make your post boring, while an image is more likely to draw attention so that users click on your link looking for more information.

If you want to create an image with text, use an image editing tool like  ArtStudio  or  Canva . They will help you create attractive, professional-looking images with the correct dimensions.

Don’t forget to put people in your images

One of Facebook’s successes is due to the tool’s personal touch . Its users come looking for personal relationships, which is why you’ll have more success with your images if you include people in them.

Images with people tend to have more interaction than images without people, users identify more with them, which causes greater empathy.

Something important to highlight is the care we must take with what the person’s expression conveys, remember that we must stay away from negative sensations.

These tips will bring you excellent results when you use them. Try them and see for yourself.

How to choose images for Facebook ads?

Posting images on Facebook takes time to prepare and choose. This is important because  images are the first thing people notice  in your post. These tips are important when choosing your images for Facebook ads:

1.  Choose an interesting topic

Your image will compete with images from friends and pages followed by the user. Your image needs to  attract  the attention of your audience as they browse Facebook.

2.  Take quality images

Avoid low resolution, unfocused and distorted images, clipart or stock images. Use your imagination, good lighting and even a smartphone to produce images. There are many apps that provide filters and can help give your image a more professional look. Also pay attention to the  photo size specified  by the ad you are creating (square x rectangle).

How do I feature my images in the News Feed?

There are two pieces of evidence that your  images have gained prominence on Facebook : the fact that people stopped scrolling and were inspired to take action.

These tips are important to make your images stand out on Facebook.

1.  Establish a single point of focus

That is, it entices people to look at just one element. If you want to include too many elements in one image, consider using carousel ads or video ads.

2.  Maintain visual coherence

That is, make your ads visually unified. This will make it easier for people to recognize your ad.

3. Do n’t forget mobile devices

Plan your ad  with mobile viewing in mind . Before you post your ad, consider the size of each element in your image or video and analyze it on your phone.

4.  Select an attractive image

 Prioritize high resolution, sharpness, angle and lighting of the image.

5. Integrate your brand

It’s important to create a connection with people and make them remember your ad. However, simply pasting your logo on the image isn’t enough. Use elements of your brand, such as your logo  , location or products, in the image in a natural and authentic way.

6.  Inspire people to act

Once you’ve captured their attention, it’s now time to close the deal. Do this by telling them what they can expect and how they’ll benefit. Use a  call-to-action button  to motivate them to take action.

How to post images on Facebook?

It is very important to consider  Facebook’s rules  for posting images.

Another important detail is the difference between  posting with links and images . Therefore, it is good to evaluate whether it is better to post a link containing an image or to post a link within the text and upload a separate image for your post.

Another important factor is ads. An image cmb directory cannot contain more than 20% text – otherwise it will not be approved by Facebook. Therefore, write little on your image and leave the information for the post description. This is a Facebook requirement to allow your posts to be boosted.

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