Cultural factors are related to the environment in which the person is inserted. They are subdivided into culture , subculture and social class .
Culture – broadly speaking – is about life in society. It is the set of knowledge acquired over time that results in the way we think, the languages we speak, the food we eat, the music we listen to, among countless other aspects.
It can be said that culture is the factor that most influences consumer behavior. This is because from a very young age we are impacted by ideals of values and perceptions transmitted to us by our parents, school, friends, work, etc.; and all this information is assimilated before making decisions, including purchasing decisions.
4 factors that influence consumer behavior
Subcultures are subdivided by specific characteristics. For example : religion, traditions or region where the person lives.
We can see the strength phone number database of this influence in marketing campaigns that are targeted to reach different niches with certain beliefs, as opposed to generic and traditional campaigns.
Social class has to do with socioeconomic level, demographic aspects, geographic location, etc. This aspect plays an important role in how the consumer behaves in relation to a certain product or service.
2. Social
Social connections – such as family and peer groups – also determine consumer behavior, as well as the role and status each person has within these groups.
Membership groups influence the attitudes and self-image of individuals, propagating a lifestyle that directly or indirectly affects consumer behavior.
Therefore, consumer behavior analysis must consider all the circles that are part of the customer’s life.
Some environments to take into account and that are related to the social aspect are:
Reference groups: Determination of
These are groups in which a person acts and which influence their behaviour. For example, a group of friends, work, religious or how to learn inbound marketing? professional groups. Within this group we can include digital influencers , who play a relevant role in the purchasing decision-making process of a large part of consumers.
As a result of their individual skills, specific knowledge or personality, this group has the ability to help form consumer opinions in a Determination of fairly advanced way.
In 2019, a market research study b2b phone list was conducted to determine whether influencers affect consumers’ purchasing decisions. To do so, 430 people from different age groups and regions were surveyed.
As a result it was found that: