Global Competitive Environment and Easy Access

For this reason, manufacturers feel obliged to produce products that have high economic returns and require extensive knowledge during the production phase. The importance of research and development studies carried out in this direction is increasing day by day. Regardless of the subject focused on, design is an indispensable part of R&D and innovation studies. The company needs to give the necessary importance to design studies and increase its industrial design capability in order to transform the idea obtained after research studies into an output that has high added value, has a competitive advantage, has a functional advantage, is more advanced, improved, in short, makes a difference compared to its equivalents.

In parallel with design

Becoming such a priority in order to exist in competitive market conditions. The Buy Bulk SMS Service number of government supports given for design studies is also increasing. The design center certificate, which the ministry of science. Technology and industry has started to issue since 2016. The design supports provided by the ministry of economy to design offices and design companies. Can be cited as examples of supports that have been used extensively by companies in recent years. Companies that work on qualified design; another support. In force to support projects to be implemented to increase industrial. Design and innovation capacities and to produce value-added products for export. Is the design and product development program.

With the Design and Product

Development program, investments to be made by companies. Carrying out design activities in order to increase their innovation. Capacity and design qualities, provided that B2B Reviews they are export-oriented, are supported. Within the scope of this program, all companies that engage in commercial and/or industrial. Activities and carry out fashion design or industrial design activities. Within the framework of turkish commercial laws can provide additional financing. Receiving a 50% grant for the projects they will develop. The items and upper limits. Supported within the scope of the design and product development program are stated below. Staff support: the gross salaries of designers, modelers and engineers. To be employed within the scope of the project can be evaluated within. The scope of support up to a total of $1,000,000. 

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