Google also made updates to

Google also made updates to the Top Stories box that appears on the SERP. In searches related to the new coronavirus, it strongly prioritizes local news and, on mobile, it accepts pages that are not AMP, which was previously not allowed. Beyond local news, we also made a change where both AMP and non-AMP stories will appear in Top Stories for searches that are coronavirus-related. AMP remains necessary to be considered for other topics: — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) May, Guidance for governments and health authoritiesGoogle also began to guide government and health authority websites on SEO to improve their visibility in the SERP.

The search engine created a

The search engine created a best advertising data practices page for this type of website and even created a specific technical support group in order to quickly resolve your demands.Other measuresGoogle is not just the search engine. Various other measures were taken across Google’s various business areas, including a partnership with Apple to develop technologies to help governments fight the coronavirus. In this link, you can follow all the company’s initiatives in relation to covid-: are the impacts of covid- on SEO?All these changes at Google are the search engine’s responses to the effects of the pandemic, in order to improve the search experience during this period.

we also want to analyze

Now, we also want to analyze what the why do we need labels impacts of covid- are on SEO and how you can react to them, including the changes that Google has already implemented. The intention is also to improve users’ search experience, but especially to obtain better results for your website in this time of crisis. Let’s go to them: Strengthening SEO as organic mediaDespite the turbulent scenario, the SEO market can have some optimism at this moment. Faced with the decline in consumption and sales, most companies are cutting spending on paid media (sponsored links, Facebook Ads, etc.

 See this graph that shows

).See this graph that shows changes in  investments in digital advertising:Covid impact- on AdsSource: eMarketerOpposite this trend is SEO. Good positioning in search engines is organic media for your brand, meaning you don’t need to pay to be there. Of course, you may need to invest in staff, training, tools, but still, the cost-benefit is much better than paid media. SEO may take a while to bring results, but the return is sustainable in the long term, unlike an advertisement, which only brings results as long as there is investment.

Furthermore you can continue producing

Furthermore, you can continue producing content cz lists and optimizing the website during the crisis; However, without funds, you can’t continue putting money into ads. And that’s a big difference in SEO in times of coronavirus. Companies are realizing the importance of investing in media with sustainable results, which are not directly affected by moments of crisis and keep the brand firm in these situations. Changes in traffic in certain sectors One of the first impacts you can see on your website is in relation to traffic.

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