Hire a specialized company to conduct a survey.

Non-buyer: someone who has never Hire a specialized  purchas. that particular product;

Deserter: is someone who has already consum. the brand’s product, but at some point stopp. buying it;

No commitment: it is the customer who consumes the product and spends up to 50% of that category on that brand;

Loyal: is the customer who spends more than 50% of their expenses on the product category.

Considering the four types of consumers , companies must work to transform “uncommitt.” consumers into “loyal” consumers, and to do so, it is necessary to develop a closer relationship with the customer.

In the case of “defecting” consumers


The company’s strategy must focus on recovering these customers’ willingness to consume your product.

On the other hand, “non-buying” consumers first ne. to know your product, and thus gain trust until they are won over.

5 resources for consumer behavior analysis
1. Market research
It is very important to dataset obtain customer fe.back , and there are several ways to obtain it.

Surveys are the most common way to determine the type of relationship and level of satisfaction that customers have with your brand.

You can for example:

Make a questionnaire available in your physical store;

Send it to the client by email; Hire a specializ.  Hire a specialized


Do it by phone;

2. CRM
This tool allows you to obtain and analyze valuable data to. Get to know your customers in depth and approach them at the right time.

The main function of CRM software is to collect information about customers in order to identify their profile and positioning inbound marketing for different economic sectors within the purchasing journey.

Among the benefits of a CRM we can highlight:

Allows an analysis of consumer behavior;

Create reports and reports to optimize b2b phone list communication between the sales team. Prospects and clients;
It facilitates commercial management. Especially when you have a large database ;
Anticipate customer-relat. issues by implementing internal control systems.
Allows you to define the preferences of prospects and client.

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