How to choose a suitable domain name for a foreign trade website?

Have you chosen a domain name?
As we all know, a domain name is a basic symbol of a website. All website content and traffic are relat to a specific domain name. A good domain name has a certain impact on SEO and website operations, and can make work more efficient!

Next, Huanxin will teach you how to choose a suitable and good domain name!

Contents hidden
1. Domain name branding principles (large companies)
2. Keyword principles for domain names (small companies)
3. Domain name length
4. Choice of domain name suffix
5. History of the domain name
6. The source of the domain name
7. Apply for an SSL certificate
8. Domain name renewal

1. Domain name branding principles (large companies)

For large companies, it is better to use the company name or brand name as the domain name.
In order to fully protect your domain name brand, it is better to register relat domain names to avoid being preempt by others. For example: if you register a .com domain name, you can register and protect .net, .cn, .net and other domain names at the same time if you have the ability, and you can even consider registering some domain names with similar spellings.

2. Keyword principles for domain names (small companies)
For small companies, due to their low visibility, if they use the company name or brand name as the domain name, it will take a lot of effort to make such a domain name well, and the effect may not be good.

At this time, it is recommend

To use the keywords of the main product to buy the domain name. The presence of keywords in the domain name can not only make the website’s relat keywords rank better, but also quickly gain the trust of search engines.
Imagine that when you are searching for a certain keyword, if you find that the corresponding keyword appears in a domain name (the search engine will display it in bold), would you think that this website is more valuable, more professional and more trustworthy?
How to choose a domain name bas on keywords?
Recommend to everyone: , after entering the keywords, it will generate a series of relat words and long-tail words, and display the difficulty of competition, etc. We can filter them appropriately according to nes.
(Note: If you cannot register using the brand name and or keywords alone, you can try the brand name + main keyword.)

3. Domain name length

Generally speaking, the shorter the domain name, the easier it is for users to remember. Think about yourself, when we ne to enter a very long domain name, is it likely that we will give up halfway through?
A good domain name should be concise and easy to remember, easy to enter, and have a certain meaning, so that people can remember it at a glance, pronounce it clearly, and not prone to spelling errors.
A short and exquisite domain name is conducive to user memory and can improve the user experience of the website.

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4. Choice of domain name suffix

What kind of suffix can be register?
There are hundrs of domain name suffixes in the world, but not all domain names with suffixes can be register.
First of all, we ne to see whether the suffix is ​​open to global registration. If not, even if you use false information or the so-call “hanging” to successfully register, you are still not the legal owner of the domain name. When encountering problems such as registration bureau review, domain name disputes, and domain name you can’t postpone getting helping transactions, you will be in an extremely passive position.
Secondly, we ne to consider whether the country (region) is politically stable and whether the Internet policy is stable. How to choose a suitable suffix? ① Common and publicly open international domain name suffixes include .com, .net, .org, etc.

If the domain name is not preempt

For a specific reason, it is recommend to choose .com first . .com is a good domain name generally recogniz by the domain name community, with a high reputation and popularity on the Internet, and has long been deeply root adb directory in people’s hearts! In addition, although the search engine will give a much higher weight to the suffixes of .u (ucational institution).gov (government agency). We often see some government websites that have not been updat for many years. Its ranking and weight are particularly high, and news is also receiv in seconds, but ordinary users cannot apply for these “high-weight” domain names!

If the website service or product has a specific target market

You can register a geographic top-level domain name : a domain name with a regional domain name as a suffix. For example: if the business is orient to the US market, you can choose a .us domain name; if the target market is Japan, you can use .jp as the suffix. (For a table of domain name suffixes from all over the world, please refer to: ) Using geographic domain names gives the website an advantage in regional rankings, and to a certain extent makes the positioning of target customers more accurate; and in the eyes of netizens in the target area, such a website is more crible and more intimate. (Considering the brand strategy, many websites will try to register all international domain name suffixes and domain names with suffixes of countries or regions with branches. Google is an obvious example, as shown in the figure below.

Where to buy geographic domain names

I recommend a website to everyone: This is China’s largest overseas domain name service platform. In addition to operating the global domain name registration business, we have also built the country’s first “country domain name trading platform” and “global brand protection” business, providing users from all over the world with a wide range of services including global domain name registration, domain name trading, domain name repurchase, domain name brokerage, brand protection, etc.

History of the domain name

① Age of the domain name
The earlier the domain name is register, the more favorable it is for ranking.
Buying an old domain name is beneficial to the later website ranking.
② The time when the domain name was first includ
In addition to the registration date, the time when the domain name was first includ by the search engine is also very important. Some old domain names have not been resolv after registration, and no content has been includ. In fact, they are not as good as domain names that have been includ for a long time.
Therefore, the earlier the domain name is first includ, the more worth buying the domain name.
③ The buying and selling history of the domain name .
Has the domain name ever been transferr after registration? What content was previously includ? Is it associat with sensitive content?
Be sure to keep your eyes open and don’t buy a domain name that looks “good” on the surface, but in fact has long been put into the “heavenly prison” by the search engine due to violations and cannot turn over.
How to view the history of a domain name?

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