How to make boosts in TG channel by levels for free

If you still don’t know how to make boosts in TG for free and quickly, then you should definitely try one of the top 6 techniques that we will tell you about below.


  • How to make boosts in Telegram using free methods
  • Where else can you get free boost tg
  • How many boosts do you need for telegram level 1?
  • How to make channel boosts in TG stories without tips
  • What is boost in Telegram and why are they important
  • How are boosts, levels and voting connected in TGK

How to make boosts in Telegram using free methods

Free traffic from smm services

Some stores offer their customers free germany telegram data  indicators to check the quality of traffic. As part of such a promotion, they offer 10, 20 units, and someone forks out 50. Even if such resources do not specifically offer boosts, you can choose subscribers who will bring the necessary votes in the future. works according to a similar scheme . They offer up to 50 units per account, and an attempt at a test order is updated once a day.



Before you make boosts to the channel in TG without tasks using more complicated methods, try to simply ask the group members to vote for you. Make a colorful, bright post and attach a vote so that people pay attention to it and do not pass by your call.

Moreover, the call must be clear – “vote for reader his potential customers  me here”. The more concise and simple the request, the more responses it will collect among users.

Mutual exchange

If you can’t get boosts just out of the kindness of your heart, try to go for a mutual exchange. You can directly ask subscribers to help you in exchange for your help or look for candidates in special groups. They are in every social network and are called “mutual exchange” or “mutual PR”. This method is well suited to the request how to make boosts in the Telegram channel by link, because for promotion you will only need a link.


The prize is an additional motivation that will encourage participants to vote more actively. Only you must necessarily specify this condition for participation in the drawing. Do not forget to add other points to make the competition more interesting. Well, and remember that the prize must be worthy and correspond to the interests of the public.


Try to convince users in advance that they will not regret it if you have a new format. Promise them an interesting project and warm up the audience well. For example, announce a course or an exclusive game that will only be released in the story format. Well, and promise special places in this interactive to those who vote.


Relatively free boost TG without write-offs and risks can be found on microtaskers. They are relatively free, because instead of monetary costs you will have time. You must accumulate a bank of coins or crystals (each site has its own) to “pay” for the work of performers there.

Subscribe to the author’s telegram channel about entrepreneurship in Russia.

Where else can you get free boost tg

Of course, the promotion does not end with these 6 methods. The longer the boosts are in the users’ visibility zone, the more inventive the methods of their increase become.

Live broadcasts 

How will broadcasts help you? They can be seen by many more people than are on your channel. They can be done on any platform, so it is a good way to increase recognition.

What to say on air? You need to create content that will become a magnet for newcomers and make them want more. For example, if you run an expert channel on promotion, you can organize open webinars. As soon as the user subscribes to the channel, you need to move on to the next stage of the funnel and invite them to vote.


Before you make a link to boosts in the Telegram channel, think about how to originally present the survey to readers. One option is to use  bgb directory  funny content on the topic of the day. It is up to you to decide what form this humor will take. The main goal is to evoke in the public a sense of importance and the illusion of power that they have, deciding the fate of your channel.


One blogger turned votes into a real currency and offered his followers to pay him in boosts for performing a song. Users could choose a specific track, a style of performance, or suggest their own ideas for arrangements. Each song had its own price. You can adopt this tactic, based on your skills and sell them for votes.


If personal requests to subscribers did not work or did not work with the effect you expected, then move on to plan B. Its idea is to involve an already unfamiliar audience.

Register on discussion sites, join chats and groups and start commenting on posts, leaving a link to vote. Just don’t throw it in the face, otherwise the moderators will consider it spam. The link should be framed with information about what boost is in Telegram (for those who don’t know), a call to action or short information about the purpose of such a mailing.


The more people know your group, the more chances you have to get a lot of boost. To increase recognition, join directories. These are channels and sites that work like a magazine with a list of recommended groups to visit.

Renting a place in such selections can be free. Agree with the administrator on the conditions for placing your channel in the catalog on one of the days. This way you will ensure an influx of new users.

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