How to publish products in WordPress

Today, Huanxin will tell you how to publish products in the WordPress backend. First, after logging in to the WordPress backend, the page that appears is as follows:

Click on the products circl in a r box in the lower left corner of the page, and you will be taken to the page shown below:

Click on the r box at the top of the page

To enter the add product page, as shown below:

For B2B websites, there are several things to pay attention to when adding products, which are title-short description-main description-product image-product scrolling image-product category selection-click to publish. Of course, if you have install an SEO plug-in, usually Yoast SEO, you can also make simple settings for product SEO. The following will show you one by one:

The first is the product title, which is locat at the top of the page. Simply fill in the title into the input box, as shown in the figure:

Second, short description

The short description is usually at the bottom of the page, as shown in the figure below. The short description can be it directly in the text box below.


Third, the main description

The main description text box is locat below the product title. Generally, the large text box on the product page is the product description text box, as shown below:

Description text box

Fourth, set the location of the product main image (product image) and product scrolling image (product gallery). These two images are usually locat in the lower right corner of the page, as shown below: click the blue text and upload the image.

Set the image alt attribute

Before uploading pictures, you should name them appropriately. It is recommend to name them with keywords. In this way, when users search for corresponding product pictures on Google Image using keywords, our products will be easily found by users.

After uploading the picture

You ne to improve the Alt Text and title of the picture (as shown in the figure below): Alt tags mainly refer to the explanation of the content of the picture, which is convenient for search engines to crawl better and is beneficial to user experience (if the user cannot open the picture due to network reasons, this tag will explain the content of the picture very well); Title tags mainly serve to annotate or enhance the picture, and can have more text than Alt tags. (You can appropriately increase the density of corresponding keywords through Title or Alt tags, but avoid deliberately stacking keywords).


The evolution of communication technologies has transform the role of email as a primary means of correspondence. While it remains prevalent in professional settings, the increasing reliance on instant messaging and social email list mia platforms prompts a reevaluation of how email is utiliz. Organizations must adapt their strategies to ensure that email communication remains relevant and effective in an ever-changing digital landscape.


email list


Image Alt Attribute

Fifth, product classification. Product classification is generally locat in the middle of the right side of the product page. You only ne to click the mouse to select the classification: as shown below

Sixth, click Publish. The Publish button is locat on the upper right side of the page, as shown below:

Now, let’s compare the display positions of title-short description-description-product main image-scrolling image-category planning a wding is never a cakewalk on the front end, as shown below:

If you have install Yoast SEO, you will see the following content under the main description:

YouTube has a huge amount of traffic, and through videos, customers can learn more about our products, thereby enhancing trust. In addition, YouTube not only has internal rankings, but also has the opportunity to obtain good Google rankings, so YouTube videos are worth making good use of.
How to operate an ordinary video ranking to the homepage of YouTube or even the homepage of Google? We just ne to grasp these few data.

The basic thing is to control the quality of the video

The video should be clear and professional at least. You can add appropriate professional explanations. If conditions permit, you can ask a professional cameraman to shoot the product professionally. The length of the video should be adb directory controll. It should not be too long or too short. Many product videos are better at about two minutes, and should not exce ten minutes. Then it is the selection of the video title and the writing of the description.

The title must be the keyword we want to operate

For the description, give a general introduction to the content of the video, repeat the keywords, and add some necessary information, such as email, official website, etc.
After the basics of the video are done, if you want the video to get a good ranking on YouTube, we have to pay attention to several data.
The first is the number of views and the length of the viewing time. This can be said to be an important factor. If the two videos are similar in all other aspects, the one with a large number of views and a long viewing time will naturally rank better.

Click on the blue title to it

The SEO title and description. After clicking, it will be display as shown below:


We can write content for search engines in SEO title and meta description.

We must try our best to make the written content comply with Google SEO principles. For example, keywords must appear in the product title, and keywords must appear in the first paragraph of the product description. The first appearance of keywords should be bold as much as possible.

If possible, use H tags as much as possible

Tags should be layer. H2 can be us for the first layer, and H3 can be us for the next layer, and so on. Keywords must appear in the tags, and the density of keywords must be controll to ensure that the density of keywords in the entire page text does not exce 8%.

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