In october or august writing emails for launches

Can be a titanic task because they . Practically have to be designed, programmed and evaluated every day. However, without emails, the conversion . Rate will most likely not be the best, so they have to be done no . Matter what. Now, I want to show you how you should plan your emails during .

A launch so that you know when you

Should send each one of job seekers phone numbers list them. There . Are companies that literally do at least one email a day during a launch, but . There are others that choose to do it staggered. If you are a beginner in . This strategy, I recommend that you follow the second option. Preparation emails before launching a .

Launch you have to establish whether the product

Or service will be promoted to a . Warm this data is only extracted audience, a warm audience or a cold audience, as this will determine if it . Is necessary to have a pre-launch phase. If you don’t know how to distinguish between . What type of audiences exist in digital marketing, I recommend you check out this article. Where it explains traffic temperatures in more detail.

If your objective is to promote to

A cold audience, you will not changsha mobile phone number list need to consider this phase in your structure, but . If you decide to use warm traffic you must send at least three emails inviting . Your list to download the lead magnet. The days that I recommend to send invitations . Are monday, wednesday and sunday. Why these days? Because by sending an email to your .

Warm audience list or leads they have already

Generated a relationship of trust with you. They already know your company, the field in which you operate, and the type of . Products you sell, so there is not so much of a problem with leaving a . Long time between one email to another. These dates that I give you are variable. Since as we are referring to warm traffic, you as the owner of the company .

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