In publishing the search quality

In publishing the search quality guidelines (Quaity Rater Guidelines), Google expresses the importance of EAT. This acronym is formed by the initials of Expertise (level of knowledge), Authoritativeness (authority) and Trustworthiness (reliability). These are the pillars that should guide the production of your content. At this moment, they are even more important, as they provide users with security about the information you are offering, especially on sites about health, finance and rights (YMYL sites). Furthermore, offering user security also means preventing your website from attacks.

Having a secure website means

Having a secure website means protecting physician data sensitive information from your customers and your own business. If that’s not reason enough, know that Google considers website security as one of its ranking factors. Content Marketing with sensitivity Content Marketing should always be centered on the persona. It’s the persona you want to communicate with, the person you want to educate, the person you want to sell to. To do this, you need to understand their behaviors, interests, doubts and needs.

So how should Content Marketing

So, how should Content Marketing react when the persona goes through a moment of crisis? That’s what’s happening right now. The pandemic has affected everyone, in one way or another, including your persona. So, Content Marketing needs to remain persona-centered, but also consider the context. Of course, you can (and should) continue producing content related to your business. The point is to replan the agendas to adapt to the context and better meet the persona’s needs now.

Firstly you need to be

Firstly, you need to be sensitive to the the following page – in addition moment. This is not the time to want to take advantage of people’s vulnerability or want to profit from the situation. The biggest negative example is the stores that increased the price of alcohol gel at the beginning of the pandemic in Brazil — and were rejected by the population. Don’t do anything like that in your content. A good way to produce content responsibly is to clarify how your company is doing, what measures you are taking and what changes customers can notice.

Transparency is essential — it

Transparency is essential — it builds trust and cz lists shows that the company is made up of people. To maintain content production, you can also analyze which products or content are in the most demand (Google Trends can help with this) and how you can help at this time. There are good opportunities. SAP, for example, created a virtual event for its traditional Take Yout Child to Work day — a way to offer value to employees and consumers in the current context with new content.

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