Instagram profile photos

Social media is a great digital marketing strategy. Each of them, however, has special characteristics and offers different tools for developing digital marketing strategies . 

In  Latin America , the main social network used is Facebook. However, another network that is gaining many followers on the continent is  Instagram . This network has grown by 23% per year, which is impressive.

Instagram is the social network for instant images and videos. Through it you can tell stories in a humorous, creative and innovative way. Through it you can also  carry and promote your brand or your company  among a very large number of people.

Instagram is a very easy-to-use network. However, the big challenge is to create your personal profile or that of your brand/company, to be successful and attractive on this social network. Consider that it is a network with 400 million active users, used by 48% of the brands on the market and whose main users are between 18 and 34 years old.

The  Instagram profile photo  is the user’s first contact with you or your brand. And since we are very visual beings, it is very important to know how to change, choose and master some tricks about the profile photos for this social network. Below we will present some tips on the technical aspects of how to choose and change photos for your Instagram profile.

How to choose a photo for your Instagram profile?

The image format on Instagram is square ( 1:1 ratio ), although there are  applications that allow you to upload images  to Instagram that are not square. Since the image format is in this ratio, we suggest that when choosing your Instagram profile photo, you consider some tips offered by the  All Instagram page :

1. The subject must be in the middle of the image

In traditional photography, the first lesson would be to never center the subject within the frame. But by centering the subject in a 1:1 ratio image, we give it more strength and manage to direct attention to it.

2. Display size should be considered

This is an exercise that is not normally done: thinking about how the photo will be viewed by other people. But for Instagram, this is a very important element to consider, since the size of the view will be the size of a smartphone screen. Therefore, the frame must be closed, even if we lose the information of what is in the environment to focus on the objective of what wants to be shown.

3. Consider the  rule of thirds

This is a well-known and very important photography composition technique to consider when choosing photos for your Instagram profile.

4. Value symmetry

In 1:1 ratio images symmetry can increase the aesthetic beauty of the image and further reinforce the focus on the main object.

5. Value the diagonals

In 1:1 ratio images, the use of diagonals provides sri lanka mobile database greater emphasis between the subjects in the image. To use diagonals, place the main objects within a single imaginary line that runs from one corner of the image to the opposite corner.

6. Induce the gaze towards the main subject

Direct the viewer’s gaze to the main subject, using the framing lines. This will give the image more strength and aesthetics.

7. Less is more

It is easier to get a good image when the frame is not cluttered with objects, but clean. Filling the frame with objects will not allow you to see the image clearly.

8. Use panoramic mode

A good strategy is to take photos in panoramic mode and transform the image into a square format with the crop option. This will give you more freedom to get the final frame and you can still correct errors in the frame.

9. Remember to choose images with the sizes previously selected by Instagram

For profile picture, the recommendation is image size: 100×100, minimum: 110×110 and display: 28×28. For thumbnail images, the recommendation is 291 wide screen. And for square images the recommendation is: 1080×1080, display: 600×600.

How to change your Instagram profile picture?

Below we present a  step-by-step guide  on how if you already have an to  change your profile picture  and how  to view it in a larger size.

To change your profile picture:

1. Open the Instagram app.
2. Go to the Profile option.
3. Go to the Menu option.
4. Select the Account option.
5. Select the Change profile photo option.
6. Choose one of the available options: Import from Twitter, Choose Library, Take Photo, Import from Facebook, and Delete Current Photo.

To view friends’ profile pictures in full size:

1. Download the  Insta Big Profile Photos app.
2. Enter your contact’s name in the search bar of the app.
3. View your contact’s profile photo in a large size.
4. Select the option: save photo to your gallery, share photo or ignore.

How to optimize and improve?

Instagram has its own filters and apps. However, there are a number of  apps  available that can  improve the quality of your photos  and give them a professional look.

For photo editing and retouching, some of the available applications are:









For  design , some of the applications are:







Instagram is a network that allows you to tell  stories through images . Consider who your audience is and start sharing with them everything that you are passionate about or that makes your brand exciting. 

To learn more about Instagram and the cmb directory  digital marketing strategies  offered by this social network, download our  Ebook.

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