It is from there that

It is from there that you configure your profile, inserting an image for it, as well as location information, address, website, email, among others. In “Statistics”, you can check the number of messages sent, delivered, read and received. Finally, we have the “Message Tools”, which we talked about previously. How to edit your business profile on WhatsApp Business? To edit your business profile, go to the main menu, tap “Settings” and then your business name. You can then add an image or change it if it was inserted during the initial configuration of the application.

Then also enter the location

Then, also enter the location, type of business, email, website chinese europe phone number list and opening hours. This video shows you step-by-step this configuration: How to use labels in WhatsApp Business? Firstly, you need to define the labels you will use. To do this, access the main menu and tap “Tags”. On the next screen, click the “+” button to create them. There is another way to do this. During the conversation, even if you haven’t created labels yet, simply select a message and tap the label icon at the top of the screen: Label icon on WhatsApp Business Source: TechTudo.

On the screen that opens

On the screen that opens, choose a label or create e-commerce and intuitive and very powerful a new one.Putting labels on WhatsApp BusinessSource: TechTudo.When you need to find messages that have been marked, it will be very easy. Just access the main menu and tap “Fagged messages”. How to use the quick replies feature in WhatsApp Business? In the main menu, access “Settings”, “Company settings” and “Quick replies”. Then tap the button that has a “+”. Then, you can define the details of each response.

responses feature on WhatsApp BusinessSource:

Quick responses feature on WhatsApp BusinessSource: Tecnoblog.Type the asia phone number message you want to register, remembering that it is possible to insert emojis. Then, set a shortcut. It is also possible to register keywords to find the phrase more easily. To use the message during a conversation, type the character “/”. Then, the application will show a list of phrases that have already been registered. You can type the shortcut or a keyword to find what you want.

of automatic message in WhatsApp

Example of automatic message in WhatsApp BusinessSource: WhatsApp.How to access message flow statistics?To find the statistics, go to the main menu and access “Settings”, “Company settings” and “Statistics”. On the screen that opens, we have access to the number of messages sent, delivered, read and received. How to achieve maximum results with the tool? Check out tips! Create a catalogCreate a catalog of your products – and even your services, if applicable – to facilitate customer consultation.

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