Practical Facebook Foreign Trade Marketing (I) – Correct Facebook Account Registration and Account Management Methods

Practical Facebook Foreign Facebook is the world’s largest social platform.
As of June 27 this year, Facebook’s total users (monthly active users) have reached 1.94 billion, accounting for about 26% of the world’s population.

Faced with such a huge user base, are our friends in foreign. Trade marketing getting excited and ready to go?

There are many things you need to master when doing. Facebook promotion and marketing, including Pages, groups, advertisements. Practical Facebook Foreign online celebrity marketing, stores, Facebook blogs, etc.
Huanxin searched the Internet and found a lot of useful information about Facebook, but there is basically no comprehensive and up-to-date information.

In order to help you better use Facebook, Huanxin decided to make a series of tutorials. I hope you like it and read it in time!

First, let’s talk about some basic issues surrounding Facebook registration:

(Although they are basic issues, they should not be underestimated~)

Contents hidden
1. Register a Facebook account correctly
2. Manage your Facebook account carefully
1. Register a Facebook account correctly

(If your account has been blocked before, please remember to clear the cache!Practical Facebook Foreign  Do not re-register directly, because the possibility of being blocked is very high. It is recommended to try a different browser or a different computer.)

1. Go to (It is recommended that you register on the web version, as the mobile client is more troublesome.)

The Facebook registration interface is as follows:

Facebook registration interface

2. Notes on Facebook registration :
1) “Name” : If you are doing foreign trade, try to choose an English name, and it is recommended to use Chinese and English transliteration.
2) “Mobile phone number or email” : Be sure to fill in the email address here, and the mobile phone number can be bound later!

①Facebook allows you to add email contacts directly. If you have been doing business with your email for many years, you must have many customers in your contacts, and it is easy to add them as Facebook friends.

②When special circumstances occur in the account

Such as account login security issues, the password needs to be changed, or the account is blocked and needs to be unlocked, email communication will be more convenient.

(Note: If you cannot receive the registration confirmation email, try twice more or change your email address. Google email will definitely work, but domestic email addresses may have some delays.)

3) “Birthday” : Don’t just pick randomly! Just pick according to your ID card!

Later, Facebook may prompt you that your account is secure and ask you to verify it. The verification method usually requires you to enter your birthday or submit your ID card with your birthday part clearly visible.
It is recommended that friends who have not registered should honestly enter it according to their ID card (you can set it to be invisible to others later).

The unauthorized collection and dissemination of this data violate fundamental privacy rights and erode the trust between users and the platform. Additionally, individuals whose numbers are included in these databases may experience whatsapp number database unwanted solicitations, spamming, or even harassment, further highlighting the ethical breach involved.


whatsapp number database

If you have already registered, check

It quickly and write down your fabricated birthday in case of emergency!

After filling in the password and selecting the gender, click “Create Account”.

2. Manage your you must know that greater the detailing Facebook account carefully

1. It is recommended that you clearly classify your Facebook account when registering:
is the account used for marketing, or is it used as the main account to manage the company’s public page?

This is related to many later settings and operations.

2. As mentioned earlier, Facebook allows you to add friends directly from your email contacts:

It will analyze and judge the attributes and preferences of our friends based on the friends we import,
and these will serve as marketing list reference factors when making recommendations later.

But you must be very careful when choosing this feature! If your category is a main account (mainly used to manage public pages), ok, that’s fine. But if your account is mainly used for marketing, ok, it is recommended to skip it directly!

Facebook will carefully analyze the characteristics of the friends we added in the early stage to ensure that the later recommendations are accurate enough to make you laugh!
So we can use this to control the source and type of the initial friends.

The contacts in your emails may come Practical Facebook Foreign

From all over the world, and their information is also varied, which often makes Facebook waste their time.
However, if you focus on the main target market at the beginning, only add people from a certain country or region, and carefully select their personal profiles and information, then the friends recommended to you by Facebook later will definitely make people smile!
I can only say that it is worth the effort at the beginning!

Data Settings

After logging into Facebook, click on it as shown above,
and then you will enter your timeline (what is the timeline, we will talk about it later)

Click “Introduction” on the right side of the timeline:

Facebook profile Practical Facebook Foreign

You will enter the personal profile page: ① Profile picture: Avoid exaggeration and product pictures, and a good life photo will do. ② Introduction: The more detailed the information, the better. It is recommended that you try to complete all the information. (You can freely play within the permitted scope~) Notes: 1. If our account name is in English, then write the name on your ID card in the “Other Names”. 2. In view of Facebook’s friend recommendation mechanism, we can make some adjustments to “places you have lived in”~ For example, if your main target market is the UK, then you can set your location, hometown or place of residence to certain places in the UK. Especially for “other places you have lived in”, click “Add Residence” and see the picture below:

Here we can set where Practical Facebook Foreign

We have stayed for a period of time, and we can set multiple locations!
We might as well write a few more target customers’ locations here, so that we can have more intersections with the target customers and add friends!

3. Pay attention to “family members and relationship status”, don’t write these randomly!Facebook Profile

Facebook is more concerned about this information, and our marketing accounts must not be linked together in this way!
If the accounts are implicated and punished, it will not be worth it.

4. Timeline​ Practical Facebook Foreign
Facebook Timeline Practical Facebook Foreign

Here we record your dynamic information by time. We try to make the time coherent as much as possible.

I just changed my profile picture three hours ago, and it is shown on the timeline as shown in the picture above.

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