SEO has become an indispensable tool for the good performance of digital projects. If we had to say we could say that it is a set of techniques and strategies aim at positioning a set of URLs in the top positions of search engines.

But SEO goes further, since these actions that aim to position the website also optimize the project as a whole and make it more interesting for users and for the entire Internet, since search engines like Google aim to offer the best possible user experience, 

With SEO actions aim at this.

We can therefore affirm that SEO optimization of web pages improves the websites themselves, but also the entire Internet , increasing the level of content, web architecture, and page performance.

The complexity that these optimizations have become has made it increasingly common to carry them out.

Whether you hire a specialist company or do your SEO internally, there are a large number of that will make your tasks much easier and offer you very valuable information.

1.1 – The Page Rank

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1.2 – Search Engines and their Algorithms: ranking factors

As we have previously mention, optimizations aim to position pages in the main search engines. The reference search engine, due to its importance, development and market share, is Google. It is a search engine whose algorithms are constantly evolving. mean that SEO professionals must be aware of the criteria that are modifi in each case, so that these updates do not negatively affect the visibility of the project.

In the case of Google, there are more than 200 positioning factors , which can be group into the following main algorithms:

Panda : It is the algorithm that is responsible for evaluating the content of a page.

Penguin : It is us to analyze the link profile of a project.

Hummingbird: This algorithm is the most recent and is responsible for trying to establish a correct relationship between the intention express by the user when performing a search, and the type of result offer.

It is very important to know these algorithms and their updates when it comes to knowing 

Although SEO optimizations are almost entirely done with Google positioning in mind, there are other search engines that we must take into account, such as Bing and Yahoo. Although in Spain 95% of searches are done with Google, SEO  is important since they are the search engines that some web browsers incorporate.

1.4 – Negative SEO

When working on SEO, it is important to keep in mind that our project may be subject to These attacks consist of Start-ups are now shaking up every sector performing actions on the elements that search engines take into account for positioning, and performing them in such a way that these search engines identify them as bad practices. The most common negative SEO attacks have to do with:

  • Hacking the web and taking actions that harm us.
  • Harm our link profile.
  • Attacking our content by duplicating it.
  • Overload the web server, thereby decreasing its performance.

It is important to monitor our projects so that we can detect these types of attacks and remy them so that they do not affect their performance and visibility.

2 – What to keep in mind when working on SEO?

When approaching an SEO project, it is very important to be clear about the type of project involv and some of its general characteristics , so that we can define the appropriate strategies from the beginning.

To do this, it is necessary to address some important aspects:

2.1 – The Nature of the Project

First of all, we must be clear about the type of business we are going to try to position. Although there are many common marketing list aspects when working on the different projects, there are also differential aspects, which must be made clear from the project audit itself, if carri out. Thus, from the SEO point of view, we can classify the projects into the following general categories:

Local SEO and Services Project

These are projects whose purpose is to contract a specific service. These types of websites tend to be very corporate in nature, with pages containing information about the company, contact information, and a presentation of the different services.

This type of website often includes a blog where articles relat to the company’s activity are publish. This blog usually plays an important role in the positioning of the website. On the one hand, it provides a certain dynamism in updating the website’s content. On the other hand, it allows for working with a wider range of keywords.

These types of pages often correspond to companies that provide their services in a specific location (or several), and it is common for users to search for their services by specifying a specific location: “SEO agency in Granada”.

In these cases, it is highly recommend to rely on a very powerful tool that it offers us, such as the 

Online Store

E-commerce websites are the other most common type of website that we can find when working on SEO. In general, they are more complex projects, due to the large number of URLs that are usually handl: products (and their stock), categories, product filters… make it necessary to implement optimization and monitoring tasks in a very orderly and methodical way.

In addition, managing the structure of the website and the highlight sections that you want to give more importance to, makes it necessary to pay close attention to the web architecture of the store.


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