Stonewall Inn Source: Hypeness From then on, new demonstrations took place in different places, and the community began to organize itself more and more in search of demands of its interest. Five decades after the episode, there is a large organized movement around the world, defending the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans people, intersex people and other minorities in different ways. What has changed from Stonewall to now? Since then, some achievements have been achieved. From the removal of homosexuality and transsexuality from the WHO International Register of Diseases (respectively in and ) to the recognition of same-sex unions, advances have been made and several of the movements’ demands have been reviewed and adapted.
But the slowness of these
But the slowness of these advances, and australia whatsapp data the conservatism in different layers of society, still mean that the focus on the movement remains the same. To this day, prejudice deprives LGBTQIA+ people of acceptance, presence, freedom and even basic rights. Given all this, the LGBTQIA+ community seeks much more than simply celebrating individuality. Their struggle is to have their existence recognized, respected and valued in society. And marketing actions that involve this audience cannot ignore this.
What should Marketing for the
What should Marketing for the LGBTQIA+ public promote? Studies point to the LGBTQIA+ public as one of the most profitable for business. According development of both selection to research by Out Leadership, an international association focused on developing initiatives for this market, the financial availability of LGBTQIA+ people in Brazil is close to R$ billion per year — which corresponds to around % of the country’s GDP. With so much purchasing power at hand (and less ceremony in disbursing it), pink money has become a point of attention and gained more weight in company planning.
But winning over and selling
But winning over and selling more to this audience is still a big challenge.What do LGBTQIA+ people expect from brands?Considering that the LGBTQIA+ market requires issues beyond individual ones to be satisfied, marketing planning needs to cz leads deeply investigate the nuances of the causes that involve this audience. It becomes necessary, then, to meet their needs also as a social group, even before the focus becomes enchantment and gaining consumer trust. This can be worked on in different ways, as long as the basis taken considers: naturalizing the presence of LGBTQIA+ people as part of society; proposing more visibility for the LGBTQIA+ public and the social demands it brings; helping to combat discrimination, by raising awareness among the general public about the social causes of those who make up the community; bringing a discourse that proposes social inclusion and equal access opportunities.
And how to meet these
And how to meet these expectations? Based on the points above, some principles can be considered as key to avoiding mistakes in Marketing aimed at the LGBTQIA+ public. Let’s look at some of them: Keep a message consistent with expectations One of the main theories of social communication (despite having fallen into disrepair) is the hypodermic theory or magic bullet theory. It argues that, in mass communication, messages must reach all individuals in the same way and have a quick effect, just like an injection, hence the name, which refers to the hypodermic syringe.