The days you should send emails

Wednesday, friday and saturday. It is important . That you do it these days, because we will assume that your leads received an . Invitation email (in the case of a warm audience, on sunday) and to let the . Lead rest and not be saturated with information, it is necessary to send emails for . Two days and rest for one day.

So you send an email on tuesday and

.Wednesday, you rest on chinese overseas british data thursday; emails are sent again on friday and saturday and there . Is one day left for the lead to rest. What happens if the lead doesn’t . Rest? If you don’t have much experience in email copywriting, chances are that you will . Overwhelm the lead with a lot of information and the same prospect will be the .

One who decides to leave your list launch

Emails it is important to closing the operation it can wait a . Reasonable amount of time to launch the product, it could be monday or tuesday, depending . On how you observe the interaction of your leads. If we assume that you decide . That it will be on tuesday, then, that day you open a sale option, on .

Wednesday you send a shortage email and on

Thursday you close the purchase changsha mobile phone number list opportunity and . Send emails in the morning, afternoon and night with shortages. Post launch emails you must . Wait a week after you closed your product for sale to send an email announcing . A reopening, this reopening must last less than your launch lasted. For example, if your .

Launch ended on thursday on thursday of the

Following week you can open the reopening . For purchase, you can send an announcement email on wednesday and on the friday that . You close the purchase opportunity you repeat the strategy with three shortage emails. On saturday . You can send a thank you email and that’s it. Using a regular gmail address .

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