The idea is to restrict

The idea is to restrict or eliminate competition between the brands of the same company, in order to increase its market share, attacking various segments of the consumer public. Think of a company that has several brands under the same roof. Some of these will probably come to mind: Apple; Disney; Google. They have a multi-brand strategy to simultaneously guide the actions and processes of each of their products and “sub-brands” in the same segment or market.

This is done with the

This is done with the aim of ensuring that bahrain whatsapp data there is no internal competition between brands and so that each can position itself in its own way. For this type of action, it is essential to take into account the so-called brand architecture. It establishes the relationship between the different parts of a brand — such as its products, services, divisions, among others —, aiming to improve it in the minds of its consumers. This set of strategies allows you to design and build your brand’s portfolio through harmonious and integrated processes, in order to unite the company’s objectives, the public’s expectations and the initiatives of each sub-brand under the same strategy.

There are two classes of

There are two classes of multi-brand why do we need labels strategies or “perspectives” that can be given to these Marketing actions, according to the variations of the segment. They are based on the approach companies use to differentiate each brand in the minds of consumers. Next, we will show you what they are. Separation according to brand identity This is when the only differentiating factor of a product or service from its competitors is in aspects related to the brand, such as its image or identity.

An example of this is

An example of this is FedEx, a national and cz leads international delivery and shipping company. Its different brands are based on the separation of their services, such as FedEx Lite, FedEx Premium, FedEx Cargo, among others. FedEx Multibrand Lack of relationship with the parent brand There are also cases in which the different brands of a company are separated from the main one and users are unable to distinguish, at first, which brand belongs to which company. Facebook is a clear example of this.

The American company over time

The American company, over time, acquired other companies, such as WhatsApp and Instagram. For each of them, there are different strategies and, except for small signs, the user cannot recognize that they are owned by the company Facebook. This model is also often defined as “house of brands”, in which a main brand can be much less recognized than its associated brands, which have their own semantic universe. An example is Unilever, since many of the following brands are owned by it, although they have an independent historical base and a prominent space among its followers and customers.

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