They get along better with their parents.

Modern parents pay more attention to establishing friendly contacts with their children. They try to move away from the position of “I am an indisputable authority” and, spending a lot of time with their children, listen to their wishes.

And if you consider that these kids

Are more advanc in matters of digital technology, many parents even ask their child for help when it comes to the Internet. Thanks to such interaction, warm, trusting relationships are establish between elders and children of the alpha generation.

Scientists believe that one phone number list of the dominant features of child rearing in recent years has become the habit of joint content consumption . The entire family agrees on a positive attitude towards activity on the Global Network.

They have high moral standards and are sensitive to falsehood.

Characteristics of children of alpha people value personalization the alpha generation include high moral standards and intolerance of falsehood. They value reputation highly, try not to lie and do not tolerate deception from others. The world of fakes is a sore subject for them, and therefore they try in every way to expose liars. By the way, modern ucation has also begun to devote time to this, and many schools even introduce electives on safe surfing on the Internet. Children are taught how not to fall for the tricks of scammers and how to easily distinguish truth from lies.

Generation A cares not only america email list about themselves, but also about nature, since from an early age they are immers in an atmosphere of care for the environment. Their life is closely connec with the observance of elementary rules of preserving the biosphere. Alpha representatives follow them and try to teach this to their elders.

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