Email sequences are sequences of automate messages that are sent on a preetermind schdule to achieve a specific result . The beginning is the same as all other automatd message. The recipient is sent a message that has been triggerd by a certain action. But with email sequences that’s not all.
Let’s say a visitor to your website fills out a form that promises them a discount code. When the form is completd. The automation bulk email marketing services software automatically sends the customer an email with a code. But a successful campaign doesn’t end there .
After sending the discount code, another message is sent to the same recipient. Introducing them to your brand. The next step is sending a message offering the recipient some other product that might interest them. And so on – this is a sequence of email message.
And what is conditional automation?
Conditional automation is actually very similar to conventional automation, except that it divides recipients into different groups basd on the information we have . For example, if you are promoting a certain event, you will to send a completely different message to those who banking accounting profession and salary have already registerd and those who have not yet registere. In this case, in the process of preparing automatic messages, the selecte condition is also determind.
To conclude
If you thought that email marketing was not the right choice for small businesses, now you know that it is not exactly the cmo email list case. Email marketing is a very useful solution even for small businesses, especially if we include sending automation, which allows us to do more and better with less work .
Now that you know all these things we are sure that you can’t wait to get starte with email marketing. To get good results you will obviously nee a good partner who will be by your side and make the whole process even easier .