What is content marketing? 7 content marketing tips

After the famous quote of Bill Gate (Content is King), professional marketers found an idea that content can be use for marketing and increasing sale, and this idea is currently one of the best methods of attracting customers in digital marketing, which is known as content marketing .

Of course, in the 20th century, content marketing was also a method that some companies used to increase their customers, but after the new information age and the growth of the Internet and online businesses, content marketing grew very well, and Bill Gates’ words confirm its value. It was the top of the marketer’s content production.

But a key point is usually

Something valuable that is rare, and with the production of a lot of content on blogs and Instagram, etc., content alone cannot be the king.

If we take a look at today’s successful sites and businesses, we can recognize that the correct strategy of producing good and valuable content is one of the main factors of their progress, and they have been able to transform their customer attraction process with the same content produced.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing has several database shop definitions and there is a reason for each one, but I would like to briefly and comprehensively define content marketing for you:

“The process of producing and managing valuable and quality content that attracts and keeps customers”

This definition includes words such as management and valuable, etc., each of which refers to one of the important things in marketing with content production, for example, management means the same content production strategy.

In content production, due to the increase in competition at the level of site optimization and its publication and distribution, we need a strategy so that we can win the competition of content marketing and SEO by using what we have.

Marketing with content is not a new method!

Contrary to the belief of some who think that content marketing is a new method in business and digital marketing, but this belief is not correct at all.

Years ago, without mobile phones, internet, even television, etc., marketers used newspapers, which were only one of their tools, to attract customers for their businesses at that time, and there are many successful and failed examples .

So, this method is not new in any way and it has been around for a long time, but the main reason that this marketing method has recently grown and become popular is the impact that the advancement of technology has had on it.

Content marketing in the past

database shop

As I mentioned above, years ago, producing and distributing  was not an easy task, especially for printed in newspapers or broadcast on television, which most people did not have access to.

The high costs of printing and publishing newspapers and television, which, apart from the level of people’s access to it, are only active with a few channels and the low quality of its sound and image have caused its low popularity.

The impact of technological advancement on digital content marketing

But whatever happened, with the to give shape to paths using bezier advancement of technology and inventions such as internet and mobile, producing and distributing is no longer difficult, and now you can produce and publish with a few clicks.

Now you just need to take your mobile phone and take a photo of anything and publish it on social networks like Instagram, now you have easily created and published in a few seconds!

This is the reason for the boom and popularity of marketing as well as digital marketing; Using digital tools to implement a marketing campaign can increase the speed and quality of the marketing campaign.

Why is content marketing important?

Here we will talk about the main difference between marketing and advertising, but my main focus in this article is about marketing on Instagram and the website and digital space.

This large volume of advertisements is naturally annoying and make the mind and cause the brain to automatically filter these parts, and this is the reason why sometime we see a lot of advertising and non-advertising but minute later it is completely remove from our mind .

The difference between content marketing and direct advertising

But marketing is marketing uae cell number in another style, which can be refer to as indirect advertising, but in marketing, sometime we may directly ask the user to do something or make a purchase.

Helping in marketing: in the implementation of the marketing campaign and strategy, our key advantage is always to help people by finding the key issue (problems of users and training that users need, etc.) Useful in the mind of the user.

This work will be very valuable for the growth of internet and non-internet business.

But why digital content marketing:
  • One of the biggest advantages of digital marketing is the measurability of this marketing method.
  • The second advantage is related to the first advantage, when you can measure the marketing indicators, you can better optimize the marketing campaign.
  • There are key ways to cut costs in your digital marketing strategy.
The relationship between content marketing and SEO

This item can be considered new!

If we go back a little, when site were rank in Google results only by building backlinks and keyword stuffing, attracting customers with  and SEO did not have much to do with each other, and production was not something that most sites did.

SEO was just a tool to attract visitors, not that  production strategy itself is a part of SEO like it is now.

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