Working with objections


At first, the company was cautious in implementing the technology: in 2005, its management decid , to hold several seminars to test the TRIZ methodology. The feasibility analysis includ , questions such as: will the theory allow us to eliminate corporate problems; are employees ready for these innovations?

The seminars yield , very good results. Siemens launch , training of employees in the basics of TRIZ and began to include it in their business processes.

What has chang , after the integration of TRIZ:

  • Since its introduction, specialists have creat , more than 1,200 ideas, 243 of which were subsequently us ,.
  • The number of mobile database approv , patents has increas , significantly.
  • The amount of information receiv , about advanc , technologies has increas ,.
  • The company has develop , over 40 new approaches for use in major projects.

TRIZ techniques were divid , into two categories – classical and modern, and corporate training was introduc , in the form of a program call , the “Academy of Innovative Tools”.

Teaching began to be how to learn inbound marketing? conduct , at several levels: basic, advanc , and professional. All employees are train , individually, in accordance with their qualifications, experience and skills.


The company began applying canada cell numbers the theory to the design of the military refueling tanker KC-767. The research team develop , two new approaches to address the technical issue.


TRIZ methods contribut , to the emergence of innovative characteristics of tankers, which became in great demand. Thanks to this development, the company sav , about 12 million dollars.

Over the past ten years, Boeing has us , the theory in the following ways:

  • Developing a strategy for assessing the prospects of new technologies.
  • Improving the design of the tanker’s fuel system.
  • Elimination of contradictions that arose during the creation of aircraft design.
  • Creation of several innovative solutions: improvement of the rain system on the plane, improvement of clamping mechanisms in the aircraft cabin.

As a result of the deals, Boeing became one of the leaders in its field and receiv , a profit of 1.5 billion dollars.

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