If I don’t do my job right, the end product could have formatting or layout errors. Low-quality images, broken links, or missing elements like the correct author or categories. These might seem like minor details, but that’s all users see when they visit your site. Driving organic search traffic requires an in-depth understanding of search engine algorithms. Competition research, content marketing strategy, keyword targeting, and on-page optimization. You need to check many boxes, most of which are technical and have little to do with writing. However, without this understanding, you cannot succeed with SEO and content marketing. Don’t beat yourself up! I’ve been in the SEO game for 10 years and still haven’t mastered all of these skills.
What Is On-Page Optimization
The goal of on-page optimization is to improve every aspect of your web page or post. So that it ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s also sometimes called on-site SEO. And it ultimately helps your content drive more traffic to your website. Basic on-page elements include keyword placement in your text, reader-friendly images, internal B2B Email List links, external links, title tags, and meta descriptions. Plus other subjective considerations I’ll get to in a bit. Ever wonder how Google and other search engines select which websites to display? Google looks at keywords and other parts of your content to decide. Whether or not it matches a person’s search intent. If your post looks like it will be a good fit for what a person needs.
How Does On-Page Optimization Work
It has a higher chance of grabbing Google’s attention. Since this is an area of SEO I do all of the time. I’m going to walk you through how to do on-page optimization. Keep reading to see how we do it at Digital Commerce Partners! To better understand how on-page optimization works, let’s take a look at Google’s ranking process. First, Google keeps tabs on all of the content online. It “crawls” a website to assess its content. Next, Google might decide to “index” a page B2B Reviews or post. A lot of different factors — including on-site SEO elements. Help demonstrate what a piece of content is about and how it should rank in SERPs. If Google indexes a page or post, Google Search will then serve up that content.