Although I am somewhat suspicious of coming here to give tips on how to produce more content, I understand that there are many qualified people who still have problems maintaining a periodic content production calendar.
Many people – like myself – consider themselves to be impostors in some way, they never think they are truly capable of writing about any subject, they always think they are not prepared or do not have sufficient qualifications for it, and so they end up postponing or never actually writing anything.
You may not be the greatest expert in your field, and probably not even. But what matters is that you have more knowledge, experience, and life experience than many people who would like to read what you would produce.
Understand that if you already know a little more than I do about a subject, that is already reason enough to share your knowledge. I understand that transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge is not always easy, but you can do it.
Start with a piece of paper or text file
I prefer to do this using mind mapping software (XMind) and develop the idea before starting to write.
In a short time, you will have a few lines, some topics, and then you can start writing on your own, you can research more about it and include good ideas from third parties – always citing the sources – and then develop the subject.
In the past, people saved news from newspapers and magazines to inspire new articles. You can do this by saving links to websites with content that has something to do with what you want to write about.
It always helps and always inspires. See, inspiring is not copying. You can observe in a good article, in a good publication, the structure of the document, the title, the text format, the markers, how the images are inserted, the size, the references, this helps when we don’t have much experience.
The web exists for many purposes
Sharing content is one of them, be sure to do this and bring a little of your knowledge to everyone.
I’ve been trying to do this much more often, I’ve created books and courses, are they perfect? No, far from it. But the advantage of publishing something on the web, and sharing it, for me is the following:
You can always edit and improve your material, it never ends!
It’s the most fantastic thing that can be done. You will always be in continuous evolution.
Remember that you have your audience. Depending on their engagement, you can start asking them what interests telegram data them most and direct your content creation.
Also, don’t forget that on the web we have metrics, use Analytics data and see the best content that is giving the best results. The numbers will help you improve.
And of course, observing the competition and getting inspiration from themes and subjects is also valid. But don’t copy, reinvent.
Get out there and write, start today!
Types of content for you to produce
I have helped many companies and individuals produce better content. I am not an expert, I just know how to organize information better. That said, let’s look at dozens of types of content you can produce.
Everything is a post
Of course, it’s true. The basic post, the H1 title, introduction, secondary maintain a consistent brand subjects with H2 and their respective paragraphs and the closing at the end.
It sounds simple, and it is. Let’s make it a little more sophisticated to improve the results.
Content types
Lists: remember to use bullets or even ordered lists to organize the content. They work very well.
>“How to” posts: posts with step-by-step instructions on something you want to clarify, such as a product, service, or instructions, usually have excellent results.
>Questions and answers: the main title is already the basic question for the answer, which should obviously take up the entire content of the post. People usually search for the questions they want answered.
>Use cases: these are posts where you tell how you installed a piece of equipment at a client’s company, explaining how everything was done, the benefits book your list achieved, and even a testimonial from the client adds important points. If you capture this testimonial in video format, even better.
Testimonials: imagine in the example above, use cases, you recorded a video of a customer’s testimonial about your product. In addition to using this video on your YouTube channel, you can also transcribe what they said, include it in your use case, include only the testimonial in a testimonials section on your website, or even produce a post with the testimonial if it is long. Think of this as an opportunity to leverage content.
Interviews: just like testimonials, they can be used in different formats
Demonstration of products and services: you can make posts demonstrating your products or services, in text, with videos and screencasts. But don’t make it too long, make the user want to know more and take the opportunity to include a CTA (call to action) at the end to hook them.
>News: in addition to news from your company, news from the market in which you operate, news that impacts your company or clients, everything can be used.
>Expert opinion: Take advantage of experts in the field and produce video interviews, then factor the material and place it on other media such as the blog.
>Electronic materials: just like e-books, documents, templates, demonstrations, software, you can produce posts with this call to action and ask for the user’s email to give access to the material.
Is that all there is to suggestions?
No, these are just some suggestions. I’m going to suggest that you dig deeper, spy on your competition, look at their blogs, if they have any valuable tips on “most read posts”, study those first.
They must be read more for some reason. If it makes sense, create your own version of the materials. You will probably be able to attract some of the users they are attracting, with the same content, of course, your version, don’t copy it!
It’s an idea to create an additional amount of posts and feed your content calendar, at least for a while.
Improving your content production
I’m biased when it comes to this, but yes, with a few “hacks” it is possible to improve. In fact, improving your content production is kind of a mantra; it should always be a continuous and endless process of improvement.
Content production
Writing is an excellent skill that should be developed from an early age. I have learned that drawing also helps improve writing.
I’m a huge fan of diagrams, graphs, mind maps and all the tools that help me produce more textual content.
Even though our children – I’m 47 – tend to be less interested in this skill, I’ve been trying to make sure they at least understand the process better and have some skills from an early age that I didn’t have.
Even if you think that you won’t be producing content in the future, due to advances in AI, I don’t believe that this will actually be a problem. I think that in the future we will have a human difference in the content produced.
The content production process
Even if you are an expert in the subject you are going to produce content on, I think it is important that you include some steps in your process that I think are important.
Defining the document structure: it can be a general outline, on paper, in a document in a text editor, I usually start with a sketch of a tree, and then I add the branches, continuing up to the level of the leaves;
Research: I usually keep a “subject bank”; when I come across a topic I’m thinking of writing about, I go there and consult, if not the defined topic, at least the related ones. Inside the folders I have links, videos, documents, initial scribbles, images and whatever else is necessary and that I find valid;
Authorities on the subject: if you know who they are, you can take a look at their websites, social media, read the books they have published, or even other types of articles, scientific or not, it always helps.
Who am I writing to?
This is important, I myself wrote aimlessly, without having the slightest idea of who my readers were – and if I really had any – and looking at it from that perspective, you can indeed write just for the sake of writing, improve your skills, and ignore this for now.
There’s nothing wrong with that, I think most of us start out that way.
On the other hand, if you publish your own texts on your blog, like I do here, there are tools available to find out a little more about who your audience is. You can start with Google Analytics and then, if you want to go deeper, you can use something like Navegg .
Writing is like magic
Because this is really amazing, the more you write, the luckier you get. The more you can write and improve your content production!
Jokes aside, it is practice that will take you to another level, keep your mind busy and write periodically.
Don’t come to me with blocks and blanks, keep the periodicity.
Some tips
Some processes that can help in your process!
Write freely: simply write, write and keep writing, you can produce a beautiful brick and then organize, reorder and dismantle it to make it better.
Create several titles and subtitles, and go from there: it’s pretty much the same process as drawing a mind map, it can help organize your ideas.
Eliminate distractions: social media, phone on silent and facing down, no unnecessary noise, no TV, nothing. Music can even help, but don’t overdo it.
Capture your notes: I use a Moleskine. You can use an app on your phone or even a pen and paper.