Although the Wages That the Insured

In the number of premium payment days section in the monthly. Premium and service document to be issued by selecting the law number 5746. Therefore, the number of days the insured spent in r&d and innovation activities during the month. The part of the earnings subject to premium, up to the upper limit of. Therefore, the wages they are entitled to based on their work within the scope of r&d and innovation activities. In the premium payment days section in the monthly premium. And service document to be issued without selecting the law number, the remaining days of the month. Therefore, if the work in the month is complete, the number of days spent. Outside r&d and innovation activities if the work in the month is incomplete. In the premium earnings amount section, the wages the insured people.

Deserve based on their

Work within the scope of r&d and innovation activities. The wages they deserve based on their work outside r&d and innovation. Activities during the month, and the part of the total payments other than wages. Up to the B2B Email List upper limit of premium earnings are included. -the remaining amount. Therefore, will be written off by deducting the amount of earnings subject to premium. Declared within the scope of ge. Payments other than wages exceeding the upper. Therefore, limit of premium-based earnings will be included in the premium-based earnings. Of the following months that are below the upper limit, starting from the following. Month and not exceeding two months. Example 1- assuming that the insured (c). Deserves a wage of 2,000.00 tl for his 10-day work in r&d and innovation activities in march 2009, and 2,500.00

TL for his work outside

R&D and innovation activities on the remaining days of the month, – In the monthly premium and service certificate to B2B Reviews be issued by selecting the Law number 5746, the number of premium payment days will be 10 and the amount of earnings subject to premium will be 144.30 * 10 = 1.443,00 TL. Therefore, in the monthly premium and service document to be issued without selecting the law number, the number of premium payment days will be 20 and the amount of earnings subject to premium will be 4.329,00 – 1.443,00 = 2.886,00 TL, It will be reported to the institution, 2,000.00 TL + 2,500.00 TL = 4,500.00 TL total earnings in the relevant month, 1,443.00 TL + 2,886.00 TL = 4,329.00 TL, the total amount of earnings included in the premium basis earnings in the relevant month.

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