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The main value in the B2B market is clients: there are relatively few of them, they take a long time to make decisions and make companies spend huge resources to please them. But these costs can be optimized if you correctly draw up a client profile. Maxim Pelmegov, a specialist at Aktion Marketing , spoke about how detailed knowledge of your target audience helps promotion.

Knowledge is money
Target audience ≠ client
The audience needs to be segmented
Where to get information about clients

The client has many faces

Knowledge is money
The auditing company Deloitte & Touche library shop conducted a study and found that companies that know the profile of their client earn 60% more than those who address a broad, impersonal audience.

Target audience ≠ client
A customer profile is a detailed image of a real buyer who needs your product or service. In B2B, business still addresses people, i.e. decision makers. This is not the entire target audience, but a specific segment of it. For example, your target audience is HR directors, women aged 40–50, with higher education, salary 120,000–150,000 rubles.

In this case, the client’s profile will look like this: Natalia, 40 years old, single, but in a relationship. Works as a HR director, earns 145,000 rubles, careerist, loves innovations, wants to simplify routine work in a team, reduce the amount of paper documents and time spent on approvals. A tough but fair manager, wants to improve working conditions and create a new motivation system.

In her free time, she enjoys landscape design and alpine skiing

So, with a client portrait, it’s easy for us to imagine a specific person and understand what exactly will catch their attention in our offer, what will they pay attention to, what will become a trigger for them that will push them to make a decision.

Important! To make the B2B client profile even more accurate, add a description of the company: size and region of coverage, number of employees, sales volume, annual turnover.

The audience needs to be segmented
Firstly, it will help you determine the customer’s interest : is he ready to make a purchase right now or is he looking into the future.

Our database contains 18 million records of improved conversions for leads – new in google ads employees from 5 million organizations. We segment these huge volumes of data by 100 parameters and create the most multidimensional portrait of the customer for our clients. This way, we understand which audience from our database can actually be covered by a specific offer.

Maxim Pelmegov, specialist at Aktion Marketing

Secondly, the customer profile helps to b2c fax create targeted ads . Knowing the pains and needs of potential customers, you will clearly understand what product to offer them and on what terms, what advantage is most important to highlight in the appeal and, finally, what language to speak to the buyer (tone of voice). Based on the customer profile, the sales department understands whether the person is ready to buy or is still considering their decision, and in this regard, what is logical to offer them. This helps to communicate effectively.

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