Practical Facebook Foreign Trade Marketing (Part 2) — How to avoid being blocked? How to add friends?

Practical Facebook Foreign Facebook,
everyone has given it a very “cute” nickname – “Facebook”,
which means it is so hateful and it is really easy to get block!

(The itor has experienc the feeling of being a “sucker”. I don’t know what happen to me, but my account was block… Then I cri out to the sky and the earth for help, but no one respond…)

In order to help everyone avoid detours, combin with my experience of having my account block and unblock many times, I will tell you in detail the precautions when using FB. As the saying goes, past experience is a lesson for the future!

(I) Clarify the prohibit behaviors of Facebook:

The following content is excerpt from Facebook’s policy ( ):

Posting pornographic or other sexually suggestive content
Posting content that contains hate speech or direct attacks on individuals or organizations
Posting content that contains self-harm or excessive violence
Posting a fake or misleading profile Practical Facebook Foreign
Posting spam
Please review the Facebook Community Standards for a complete list of prohibit behaviors and additional policies.
If you come across content on Facebook that violates the Community Standards. Practical Facebook Foreignplease submit a report using the Report link next to the content.

I believe that everyone will not make the first four mistakes,

so let us focus on the last one: it is forbidden to post spam .

Spam is information that disturbs people. It doesn’t matter if you promote it, but you have to pay attention to the method and the target. If you annoy people and they click on the report button, your account will be block soon.
I have seen some people advertise on the public homepages (i.e. Pages, which we will talk about in detail in the next article. Practical Facebook Foreign of competitors, and advertise under their posts one by one.
OK, there are inde customers here, but you openly go to other people’s territory to make trouble. Do you think you can get any good results? Good luck to yourself.

(II) Do not abuse certain FB functions. Facebook believes that the abuse of certain functions may cause others to feel disgust or uneasy, so they set corresponding limits on the frequency and spe of using certain functions . So, what behaviors are consider abuse of FB functions?

Send friend requests to a large number of strangers

“Strangers”: people who have no friendship with you. Even people who are not friends of your friends are strangers.
“Large”: mainly judg by spe and quantity. Don’t underestimate the computer, it will judge whether you are sending a large number of requests bas on the frequency of your request and the number of invitations.
(Note: Facebook has different account restrictions at different levels. Facebook is slightly more tolerant of old accounts. Practical Facebook Foreign but new accounts will definitely be block immiately if they add a large number of strangers at the beginning. It is generally recommend to add five or six a day.) Sometimes, you will find that you can’t send friend requests. Ok, this is quite embarrassing. How can you do promotion and marketing if you can’t add friends. The reason may be that you add friends too frequently, or your friend approval rate is too low.

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You sent a hundr requests but only four or five were repli

You were mark as complain by others. Those who have not process your request for a long time have caus your friend request approval rate to be low, which requires you to cancel the request in time:

Invite a large number of friends to the group at one time
Avoid inviting too many friends in a short period of time! Especially since Facebook has already given you a reminder, if you it’s wise to have a private driver invite one more person after giving you a reminder, you are done… The first one or two times, you may be restrict from using the function of inviting friends to the group, and then your account will be directly block.
(You can stagger the time to invite friends, invite some in the morning. Practical Facebook Foreign some at noon, and some in the afternoon, click the mouse slowly, and do other things in between. Facebook is still very sensitive to your spe.)

3. Apply to join too many groups at once It is best to apply to join

no more than 3 groups a day, otherwise it is obvious that you have bad intentions, and Facebook will think that you are just posting spam ads…

4. Making a large number of comments at once
You have finally add a marketing list few friends, but you go to their personal homepages and make a lot of comments. Even if they don’t report you, Facebook will investigate you. First warn you and then directly ban your account.

(III) Other matters neing attention:

1. The registration issues mention in the previous article must be taken seriously so that they can be authentic. If that is not possible, then make a backup of the registration information.

2. Set up your personal profile well.
Don’t just register an account for advertising purposes. Don’t be too lazy to complete your information or fill it out randomly.
This will easily make people feel that you are unreliable! If you want people to agree to your friend request, you must try to make your profile content real, add a few real friends, post some updates, let your friends like and comment, and update your updates regularly, so that Facebook can be assur that you are a real person!

3. Don’t log in multiple accounts on the same computer:

Facebook does not allow one person to have multiple accounts! If you frequently switch accounts on the same computer or even the same browser and do not clear the browser cookies, it is easy to be block. And if you lose one account, all will lose. These accounts may be block at the same time.

It is recommend that you log in to 3 Facebook accounts on one computer. If you don’t know how to isolate cookies, it is better to log in to one account on one computer, which is more convenient and safer!

4. Don’t log in the same account on different computers If you
frequently switch computers to log in, Facebook will think that your account security is problematic.
It is recommend to log in one account on two computers at most.

5. Avoid having a variable IP address Practical Facebook Foreign

For normal users, the IP address they log in to every day is basically the same. If your IP address changes back and forth. Practical Facebook ForeignFacebook will think there is something wrong with you.

It is recommend to log in using a VPN with a fix IP, and this IP is exclusive to you and will not be logg in by others. Practical Facebook Foreign otherwise you will easily be implicat by the mistakes made by others.

6. Do not apply for a new Facebook account on a computer that has block your new account twice!
It is recommend to choose a new computer each time you register, and remember to clear the cookies in the browser.

7. It is recommend to set up trust contacts: Practical Facebook Foreign

Trust contacts are friends who can help you get back into your account safely if you get lock out Practical Facebook Foreign.

8. Be careful when using crit cards on Facebook
This is only for friends who ne to make payments on Facebook.
It is recommend that you apply for a crit card, maintain it well, do not owe money, and pay it back on time. Crit card points are your character points, and are also relat to the security of your Facebook account.

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