On the first day of confinement. The it was transforme in two days into a specialize newsletter sent every evening from a different hospital. The calle “Le Point Coronavirus” . This allowe the newspaper to be as close as possible to hospital life. The to collect testimonies from caregivers. The directors. The researchers. At the end of the lockdown. The the newsletter was repackage as “Sortir de la crise” (Getting out of the crisis) . The with a focus on science. The economics. The health. The eucation and culture. The five areas particularly impacte by the crisis.
Specialize freelancers were recruite
within a week for the project. The evening newsletter has not business to consumer database finishe evolving. It will soon be possible to subscribe to five weekly newsletters specialize in the five sectors previously mentione. “We will continue to monitor the effects of the crisis. The but these newsletters will certainly become more and more general on the news in these particular areas. The ” announce the eitor-in-chief. Thanks to this constant reinvention. The the evening newsletter has quadruple its subscribers. The going from 3. The 000 to more than 11. The 500 subscribers since the beginning of the year.
At Heidi news
The the eitorial line of the newsletters adapts according why trust must be at the core of b2b communication to current events and contributes to the success of the meia. Image. Heidi.news The morning newsletter . The more general and sent from a different city in the world every morning. The has also been a success since the launch of Heidi.news. On the occasion of the elections in the Unite States. The it is sent from a different American city this month.
The the meia has just launche a newsletter sent on belgium business directory Sunday evening which summarizes for those who have subscribe what happene during the weekend and allows them to prepare for the important subjects of the week to come. Diversify your eitorial offering Since the beginning and particularly during the coronavirus crisis. The the newspaper has sought to develop new eitorial products. The with new projects each month . data journalism. The video interviews with epidemiologists on YouTube and an automate audio newsletter repeating the morning newsletter.