Kosgeb Has Been Providing Additional Financing Resources

The general support program , which has been in effect since. 2010 to improve the management skills and corporate. Competencies of smes, was replaced by the business development support program with a radical. Decision published on september 24, 2018. The most important reason for this change was to combine items that were not used much under different names and. Allocate the available grant amount to supports that were in high demand. Thus, the number of 15 support items under the general support program was reduced to 9. With the kosgeb enterprise development support program in the new period. Increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. Their institutionalization-branding levels and their share in the economy.

Aims to develop their capacities

Meet their priority needs. The institution has determined the support upper. Therefore, limit of the revised program as 290,000 TL . The Fax Lists 3-year program period, which is a challenging period for companies benefiting from the supports provided by the program, has been reduced to 2 years in the new system and it is aimed to ensure continuity in companies’ access to resources. Therefore, by shortening the program duration, the waiting period for SMEs. Therefore, which constantly benefit from the same support and have to wait to make a new application after finishing the entire budget, has decreased. In addition, businesses whose net sales revenue. Therefore, revenue during the period increased by at least 10 (ten)% at the end of the program can benefit from the support program once again. As in the old system

The business must apply to renew

The support program within one year at the latest from the date of completion of the program. Thus, the support upper limits stated below will be renewed and the business will continue to B2B Reviews benefit from the support for 2 years. The support rate of the support elements under the Business Development Support Program is determined as 60%. Therefore, the supports and upper limits to be provided within the scope of the program are stated as follows: 1- Domestic Fair Support – 50,000 TL 2- International Business Trip Support – 20,000 TL 3- Qualified Personnel Employment Support: 50,000 TL 4- Education Support: 20,000 TL 5- Energy Efficiency Support: 35,000 TL 6- Design Support: 25,000 TL 7- Industrial Property Rights Support: 30,000 TL 8- Certification Support: 30,000 TL 9.

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